Genre: Biographical drama, and Based on "A Great Improvisation: Franklin, France, and the Birth of America" by Stacy Schiff, Written by Kirk Ellis and Howard Korder, and Directed by Tim Van Patten, Starring: Michael Douglas, Noah Jupe, Daniel Mays, Ludivine Sagnier, Thibault de Montalembert, Assaad Bouab, Théodore Pellerin, Tom Hughes, Jeanne Balibar, Eddie Marsan, with Theme music composer: Jay Wadley, Country of origin: United States, Original languages: English, and French, No. of episodes: 8, and Executive producers: Kirk Ellis, Howard Korder, Tim Van Patten, Michael Douglas, Tony Krantz, Mark Mostyn, and Richard Plepler, with Running time: 60 minutes, and Production companies: Flame Ventures, EDEN Productions, Shadowcatcher Productions, Boil Some Water Entertainment, ITV Studios America, with Original Network: Apple TV+ (2024)

‘Franklin’ – Official Trailer:


Genre: Biographical drama, and Based on "A Great Improvisation: Franklin, France, and the Birth of America" by Stacy Schiff, Written by Kirk Ellis and Howard Korder, and Directed by Tim Van Patten, Starring: Michael Douglas, Noah Jupe, Daniel Mays, Ludivine Sagnier, Thibault de Montalembert, Assaad Bouab, Théodore Pellerin, Tom Hughes, Jeanne Balibar, Eddie Marsan, with Theme music composer: Jay Wadley, Country of origin: United States, Original languages: English, and French, No. of episodes: 8, and Executive producers: Kirk Ellis, Howard Korder, Tim Van Patten, Michael Douglas, Tony Krantz, Mark Mostyn, and Richard Plepler, with Running time: 60 minutes, and Production companies: Flame Ventures, EDEN Productions, Shadowcatcher Productions, Boil Some Water Entertainment, ITV Studios America, with Original Network: Apple TV+ (2024)

Franklin’s Holiday for a Revolution…

Franklin is a biographical drama miniseries about the United States Founding Father Benjamin Franklin, based on Stacy Schiff‘s 2005 book A Great Improvisation: Franklin, France, and the Birth of America. It was released on Apple TV+ on April 12, 2024, and the series finale aired on May 17, 2024. The series depicts the eight years that Benjamin Franklin spent in France to convince King Louis XVI to support the burgeoning United States in the American Revolutionary War.

The limited series stars Michael Douglas as Benjamin Franklin, with an ensemble cast that includes Noah Jupe, Daniel Mays, Ludivine Sagnier, Thibault de Montalembert, Assaad Bouab, Théodore Pellerin, Tom Hughes, Jeanne Balibar, and Eddie Marsan as John Adams.

On October 26, 1776, Franklin was dispatched to France as commissioner for the United States. He took with him as secretary his 16-year-old grandson, William Temple Franklin. They lived in a home in the Parisian suburb of Passy, donated by Jacques-Donatien Le Ray de Chaumont, who supported the United States. Franklin remained in France until 1785. He conducted the affairs of his country toward the French nation with great success, which included securing a critical military alliance in 1778 and signing the 1783 Treaty of Paris.

Franklin is the Featured Television Blog of the month for July, You can expect a detailed critique of the limited series with historical context of Franklin’s background. There is also a detailed recommendation of the series with the detailed synopsis of the eight episodes and the real life historical characters portrayed in the series. There is also a detailed review of the 2005 book the limited series is based off of from Stacy Schiff. For the interview, actor Michael Douglas sits down with CBS Sunday Morning to discuss the Apple TV+ series, playing Benjamin Franklin, and America today versus its revolutionary period. There is also a Top Ten List, and for Franklin, the list is My Top Ten Michael Douglas Movies! Last but not least, the Featured Television Blog of the month includes an Official Trailer for the featured series!

You can watch the Franklin Official Trailer below:

Genre: Biographical drama, and Based on "A Great Improvisation: Franklin, France, and the Birth of America" by Stacy Schiff, Written by Kirk Ellis and Howard Korder, and Directed by Tim Van Patten, Starring: Michael Douglas, Noah Jupe, Daniel Mays, Ludivine Sagnier, Thibault de Montalembert, Assaad Bouab, Théodore Pellerin, Tom Hughes, Jeanne Balibar, Eddie Marsan, with Theme music composer: Jay Wadley, Country of origin: United States, Original languages: English, and French, No. of episodes: 8, and Executive producers: Kirk Ellis, Howard Korder, Tim Van Patten, Michael Douglas, Tony Krantz, Mark Mostyn, and Richard Plepler, with Running time: 60 minutes, and Production companies: Flame Ventures, EDEN Productions, Shadowcatcher Productions, Boil Some Water Entertainment, ITV Studios America, with Original Network: Apple TV+ (2024)

Franklin is available now with a subscription to Apple TV+
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