Genre: Drama, Biopic, Musical drama, Created by Abe Sylvia, Based on "The Three of Us: Growing Up with Tammy and George" by Georgette Jones, Directed by John Hillcoat, Starring: Jessica Chastain, Michael Shannon, Steve Zahn, David Wilson Barnes, Walton Goggins, Opening theme "The World's Most Broken Heart" by Tammy Wynette, Country of origin: United States, Original language: English, No. of episodes: 6, Executive producers: Jessica Chastain, Kelly Carmichael, Abe Sylvia, Andrew Lazar, Josh Brolin, David C. Glasser, David Hutkin, Bob Yari, Bryan Goluboff, Ron Burkle, John Hillcoat, with Cinematography by Igor Martinovic, Editor: Katharine McQuerrey, Production companies: Freckle Films, 101 Studios, MTV Entertainment Studios, Mad Chance Productions, Blank Films Inc, Aunt Sylvia's Moving Picture Company, Brolin Productions, Original network: Showtime. (2022 - 2023)

‘George & Tammy’ – Official Trailer:


“The Rise and Fall of Country Music’s King & Queen…”

The Crown of Country…

George & Tammy is a biographical drama television miniseries created by Abe Sylvia and directed by John Hillcoat, which premiered on Paramount NetworkShowtime, and CMT on December 4, 2022, with Showtime as its primary network. It stars Jessica Chastain and Michael Shannon as country music legends Tammy Wynette and George Jones, chronicling their tumultuous relationship and intertwined careers.

The limited series received critical reception that was positive, with critics particularly writing about the performances of Chastain and Shannon. For her role, Chastain received a nomination for Best Actress – Miniseries or Television Film at the 80th Golden Globe Awards and a nomination for the Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Miniseries or Television Movie at the 29th Screen Actors Guild Awards.

George & Tammy is the Featured Television Blog of the month for January, and therefore I will have a Critique for the miniseries that looks at the biographical history of George Jones & Tammy Wynette‘s career and the relationship that crowned them the royalty they are in the country music genre. I will also provide a Recommendation for the 2011 book that was the basis of the Showtime limited series, George & Tammy, The Three of Us: Growing Up With Tammy and George by their daughter, Georgette Jones. There will also be a Review of the 2022-23 miniseries starring Jessica Chastain and Michael Shannon from Showtime, along with an episode synopsis for all six episodes of the musical drama. Then there will be an Interview with Shannon and Chastain with YouTube‘s Jakes Takes about playing real-life country music legends, George & Tammy. and Finally there will be a Top Ten List of My Top Ten Favorite Musical Biography Series! But before we get to all that, I also provide an Official Trailer for the Featured Television Blog being discussed on Movies to History! so without further ado…

I’ll bring George & Tammy to the stage…

Genre: Drama, Biopic, Musical drama, Created by Abe Sylvia, Based on "The Three of Us: Growing Up with Tammy and George" by Georgette Jones, Directed by John Hillcoat, Starring: Jessica Chastain, Michael Shannon, Steve Zahn, David Wilson Barnes, Walton Goggins, Opening theme "The World's Most Broken Heart" by Tammy Wynette, Country of origin: United States, Original language: English, No. of episodes: 6, Executive producers: Jessica Chastain, Kelly Carmichael, Abe Sylvia, Andrew Lazar, Josh Brolin, David C. Glasser, David Hutkin, Bob Yari, Bryan Goluboff, Ron Burkle, John Hillcoat, with Cinematography by Igor Martinovic, Editor: Katharine McQuerrey, Production companies: Freckle Films, 101 Studios, MTV Entertainment Studios, Mad Chance Productions, Blank Films Inc, Aunt Sylvia's Moving Picture Company, Brolin Productions, Original network: Showtime. (2022 - 2023)

You can watch the Official Trailer for George & Tammy below:
Connecting Movies To Reel Life

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