CBS NEWS ARCHIVES: Robert Oppenheimer discusses the atomic bomb in 1965…
In 1965, J. Robert Oppenheimer sat down with CBS News reporter Mike Wallace, in part of that interview, provided by CBS News archives, Wallace asks Oppenheimer if he thinks the use of the bomb was necessary, to which Oppenheimer gives him an honest answer. Oppenheimer is considered the “Father of the Atomic Bomb” and lead the top secret Manhattan Project at the Los Alamos Laboratory to develope an atomic bomb and end World War II.

Oppenheimer discusses the war and what lead up to the U.S. Government recruiting him to develop the atom bomb, and discribes what the war had been like since 1939, and while the results were so devestating, why the develpment and use was needed to end the war. Oppenheimer notably struggled with his decision decades after he changed the course of history, science, and the look of war in the future.

You can watch part of that CBS News Interview with J. Robert Oppenheimer and Mike Wallace below:

Oppenheimer is available now on Peacock…