Tom Hanks, Sullenberger on Making The New Movie, Sully…
On September 16, 2016, Nightline produced an interview with Tom Hanks, and Chesley “Sully” Sullenberger on making the new movie Sully directed by Clint Eastwood. ABC’s Nick Watt sits down with both Hanks, and Sullenberger to discuss the film and what it was like being the hero the film is about was well as playing the hero the film is about, and what it was like for both Sullenberger, and Hanks in their respective roles. The first interview was with Sully Sullenberger and Watt discusses what it was like for him in the aftermath of the “Miracle on the Hudson,” which is the focus of the film. Sullenberger discusses what it was like to be instantly famous while dealing with the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) investigation into Sullenberger’s successful water landing on the Hudson River with US Airways Flight 1549 where all 155 passengers and crew lived.

Watt discusses what it was like with Hanks to work on the film with Sullenberger, while playing Sullenberger. Hanks explains that Sully was very vocal about the script and the issues and comments he had regarding the script and what he felt should be changed. Hanks discusses that he first met Sullenberger at an Oscars Party shortly after he landed on the Hudson River, and they got to talking. That talk would eventually lead to Hanks playing this every guy turned hero overnight, Watt also discusses with Hanks why he thinks he is always chosen to play these regular guys who become heroes through a battle of adversity, which included playing Commander Jim Lovell in Apollo 13 in 1995, and as Richard “Rich” Phillips / “Irish”, Captain in Captain Philips in 2013.

You can watch the full Nightline Interview with Tom Hanks, and Chelsey Sullenberger below:

Sully is available now to rent on all streaming platforms…