My Top Ten Journalism Movies:


To commemorate the Featured Film Blog for the month of January, The Insider, I have gathered My Top Ten Favorite Journalism Movies! If you're looking for the best journalism film, you came to the right

The Top Ten List

My Top Ten Bio TV Mini-Series:


To commemorate the Featured TV Blog for the month of November, The Offer, I have gathered My Top Ten Bio TV Mini Series! If you're looking for the best limited series about a true story,

Trailblazing Trekkie:


STAR TREK’s Nichelle Nichols, the Trailblazing Trekkie, had an amazing life with an incredible journey trailblazing the Cosmos. Nichols died of heart failure at the age of 89 on July 30, 2022, in Silver City,

My Top Ten Controversial Oscar Moments:


With its seemingly most controversial year in 2022, I have counted down My Top Ten Controversial Oscar Moments. I am taking a look back at the show's history with controversy and listing the most controversial