Trailblazing Trekkie:


STAR TREK’s Nichelle Nichols, the Trailblazing Trekkie, had an amazing life with an incredible journey trailblazing the Cosmos. Nichols died of heart failure at the age of 89 on July 30, 2022, in Silver City,

A Tribute For Die Hards:


This is definitely a tribute for die hards, Bruce Willis is retiring from acting and when hearing the news, I felt the same way I felt the last time I saw Harry Stamper in Armageddon.

My 2022 Oscar Ballot Results…


I showed you mine, now you show me your...2022 Oscar Ballot Results. At least I wasn’t shocked at #CODA🤟🏻 winning #BestPicture last night… @vanityfair what’s my consolation prize? I may have gotten a C+ on this paper,