The Big Short: Star-Studded Cast Gets Funny…
ABC News‘ Chris Connelly interviews stars Christian Bale, Steve Carell, and Ryan Gosling, along with director Adam McKay for Good Morning America as they discuss adapting the 2015 film The Big Short from the complicated 2010 book The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine by Michael Lewis about the 2007-08 Financial Crisis.

The stars and director discuss adapting the complicated book into a film that movie goers can understand, they also discuss with Connelly, Bale’s award nominated role in the film as Dr. Michael Burry, the eccentric neurologist turned hedge fund manager who first notices the housing bubble and predicts the financial crisis in 2005, two years before the global economic events that would lead to the Great Recession.

You can watch the interview and hear all about that and more from the stars and director of The Big Short about transforming Hollywood into Wall Street and actors into hedge fund managers, as they adapt a complicated subject matter into an Academy Award nominated Best Picture film that took home the Oscar for Adam McKay for Best Adapted Screenplay, for his screenplay adaption of Lewis’s book along with co-writer Charles Randolph.

You can watch the GMA Interview with Bale, Carell, Gosling, and McKay below:

The Big Short is available now on Hulu…