Genre: Drama, and Espionage thriller, Created by Gideon Raff, Based on "L'espion qui venait d'Israël" by Uri Dan Yeshayahu Ben Porat, Directed by Gideon Raff, Starring: Sacha Baron Cohen, Noah Emmerich, with Music by Guillaume Roussel, Original language: English, No. of episodes: 6, Executive producers: Gideon Raff, and Sacha Baron Cohen, Producer: Alain Goldman, Running time: 47–62 minutes, Production companies: Legende Films, Canal+, and Netflix, Original Network: OCS (France), and Netflix (international) (2019)

‘The Spy’ – Official Trailer:


The Spy is an English-language French espionage streaming television miniseries, created and directed by Gideon Raff, based on the life of Israel's top Mossad spy Eli Cohen, who is portrayed by Sacha Baron Cohen. The series is a production by French company Légende Entreprises for Canal+ and Netflix. OCS aired the show in France,

‘Chernobyl’ – Official Trailer:


Chernobyl is a 2019 historical drama television miniseries that revolves around the Chernobyl disaster of 1986 and the cleanup efforts that followed. The series was created and written by Craig Mazin and directed by Johan Renck. It features an ensemble cast led by Jared Harris, Stellan Skarsgård, Emily Watson, and Paul