Rachael Fedder of Hollywood.com interviews Denzel Washington, Anne Heche, Kimberly Elise, and Nick Cassavetes in 2002. Photo Credit: Hollywood Archives Youtube

‘John Q.’ – Interview:


Back in 2002, while on their promotion tour for the film John Q., stars Denzel Washington, Anne Heche, Kimberly Elise, and director Nick Cassavetes sat down with Rachael Fedder of Hollywood.com for interviews to discuss

‘John Q’ – Official Trailer:


John Q. is a 2002 American thriller drama film written by James Kearns and directed by Nick Cassavetes. It stars Denzel Washington as John Quincy Archibald, a man who feels he is forced to take a hospital emergency room hostage in order for his

(L to R) Cuba Gooding Jr in "Jerry Maguire" (1996), Keanu Reeves in "The Replacements" (2000), Warren Beatty in "Heaven Can Wait" (1978), Jamie Foxx and Al Pacino in "Any Given Sunday" (1999), and Sean Astin in "Rudy" (1993) Photo Credit: Sony Pictures/Warner Bros Pictures/Paramount Pictures/Warner Bros Pictures/TriStar Pictures

A Tale of Silver Screen Touchdowns and Gridiron Aversion:


I have a confession to make, I hate football, but I love football movies. Maybe hate seems a strong word, but it works best for what I’m about to convey. I hate football in the sense that I dedicate